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How to store children’s crafts

Mosaic puzzle art for kids, children's creative game. hands are playing mosaic at the table. colorful multi-colored details close up

What can be cuter than children drawing or crafts? We are so glad to see the very first doodles our kid makes (in case they are not made on our new sofa, of course). We proudly send picks of the simple crafts that our sweetheart managed to create to all the grannies and grandpas. But time goes by, children grow, and the amount of their crafts and drawings grows exponentially. One day you may find yourself in an enormous pile of sheets with footprints, paper butterflies, modeling clay cars, and sea creatures made of pasta.

Not stuff to throw away, definitely. But what can we do with all these treasures? Here are some ideas.

  1. Categorize. It will take some time, but you’ll be satisfied with the result. We advise you to rank the craft by age and then by the material it is made of. You’ll have several piles, for example, crafts and drawings that your child created at the age of 1, 2, 3, etc.

  2. Pull yourself together and try to pick out the sheets that are not worth keeping. Let’s admit there are always some arts that didn’t come out well. But they may be dear to your child, so make sure you don’t get rid of his favorite gauche painting of cosmos that you believed to be just his palette.

  3. The next step is to check out the crafts that cannot be kept for a long time, all those pasta and seeds stuff. Take good pictures of them. Make sure the crafts have the date or age signs. Make a short-period exhibition and then bade them a fond farewell.

  4. Create collages or just print the pictures of the crafts you made. They will still show what cool or funny stuff could your kid create at the age of 2, but will take less space and will not attract insects.

  5. Archive. Now, when you have only the gems and pearls left, choose a nice folder and put each artwork or picture of it into a transparent file. Start from the very first doodles and blots and go on. You will get an amazing portfolio with the sweetest artwork ever!

  6. If you are a minimalist or an amateur of digital forms, you can take pictures of all the kid’s crafts and create a Google photo album and share it with all the admirers of your children’s creativity.

  7. Don’t forget to praise and inspire your child. He will be happy to see his painting hand in a frame on the fall or give it as a gift to someone who will appreciate it.